Saturday, September 24, 2011

School Life #2

School has been increasingly interesting.

In Orchestra I've been stressing about auditions for section leader. It turns out that I made 1st chair though, so that was a relief. The orchestra teacher also recommended me for Davis Youth Symphony. I also made the NAL team and I'm sure how this is all going to work. My first meeting for NAL is on Monday so I'll see what the schedule will be. Youth Symphony is on Monday too, but it's in 2 weeks.

Seminary is going great. It's lots of fun. Spanish is still boring, but it is getting more interesting the more I participate. I'm also finding that I'm remembering more of it from last year. Science is... different. It's a fun class, the teacher is fun, and I get to sit next to my friends, but I have to keep up with the web works and work on my term project. I just remembered that I also have to do my term project for Spanish. I have to read Uncle Tungsten, which seems like a huge monologue. I'm also using that as one of my English reading books for reading points. I've got to have the first 100 pages read by Monday.

In English I've got a poem to memorize which is 4 stanzas long. For the extra credit that I want to get I have to have it done by Tuesday and I'm only half way done. Also, there's a Utah Write assignment that I have to worry about. Math is getting more and more complicated. The problems are getting longer and more intricate. There's so many equations to memorize. P.E. is my stress free class. There's nothing that I have to worry about there. I just have to show up and participate. Honors English has become the least of my worries.

Besides school work, I'm also having trouble talking to a certain person, but I won't go into detail on that.

Like before, I'm going to type a poem, this time for Spanish, to help me memorize it.

Un elefante se balanceaba
Sobre la tela de una arana.
Como veia que no se caia,
Fue a llamar a otro elefante.

Dos elefantes se balanceaban,
Sobre la tela de una arana.
Como veian que no se caian,
Fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Tres elefantes se balanceaban,
Sobre la tela de una arana.
Como veian que no se caian,
Fueron a llamar a otro elefente.

This poem is actually a nursery rhyme that you sing, but I can either recite it like a poem or sing it. I'll probably be saying it like a poem.

Thoughts and feelings about Uncle Tungsten:
This book is an autobiography by Oliver Sacks. He is now a famous neurologist and writer. In his book I am reading about his childhood and how he interacted with his family. He explains his fascination with metals and minerals. He seems to be a very analytical boy, but likes to relate things to himself and the world. He is especially interested in Tungsten (hence, Uncle Tungsten) which he comes in contact mostly around his uncle. His uncle works with light bulbs. He collects, studies, and invents them. He really likes to use Tungsten as the filament in them because it lasts so long. He earns the nickname Uncle Tungsten because he is so obsessed with it. Oliver always looks forward to seeing his uncle through all the stress of the war, school, and his parents. So far nothing major or super exciting has happened so I'm continuing a slower pace of reading. I really can't wait to be done with this book.

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